Cultural routes
Želiš da probaš vino iz Rumunije ili čuvena maslinova ulja iz Istre? Hodaš Napoleonovim stopama u Dubrovniku?

Transfer – Integrated Management Models for Archaelogical Parks
The goal of TRANSFER is to develop, transfer and disseminate a Common Governance Model for...

Green activist: The environment
After the realization of the pilot project 'Environment in the Youth Policy in Serbia', the European Youth Center is continuing its work..

Find a job with your card
The European Youth Center continues with projects that focus on improving standards and increasing the mobility of young people in Serbia.

Recycle and dominate!
The issue of environmental protection concerns us all, especially young people who will most likely feel..

The Way to European Opportunities
From May to November 2013, the European Youth Center launched a project titled "European Youth Card - The Way to European Opportunities".

Promotion of tourist and cultural sites
The goal was for young people to represent themselves and their country in the best way, to make their friends interested..

European Youth Payment Card
The EURO26 project - Youth Information Center was conducted in 2008 and its focus was to provide information..

Online Campaign for a European Youth Card
A person can’t use his rights unless he is properly informed.

National strategy for EYCA in Serbia
The project ’National Strategy for a European Youth Card’ in Serbia was reaized by EURO26 with the support of the EU Delegation in Serbia.