The current situation in the world has changed our daily lives a lot, each of us had to adjust, change their routine and habits. We asked young people from our region a few questions, with a desire to find out what are they doing to make their time in quarantine pass faster and easier. Also, we wanted to find out what is their advice for motivation and positivity in these times.
Read their tips and feel free to steal some of their ideas!
Neven Hercegovac,Bosnia and Herzegovina
How do you see the current situation in your country? My opinion on the current situation is kind of divided. I am aware that the current situation is really difficult and many people are kind of scared by quarantine. However, I think that the circumstances are positive thanks to modern technologies. You can always find something fun to do!
How do you keep yourself motivated to do all your daily obligations?
I motivate myself with small rewards, such as candy or an episode of my favorite series. I try to be positive and to write down my goals and commitments for the next day. When I cross them, I feel much better and more motivated for the next day.
Jelena Sukic, Montenegro
How do you see the current situation in your country?
The current situation in Montenegro, in my opinion, is fine. Because there is a smaller number of new cases, also the government announced that they are going to loosen up the measures, which have been quite rigorous so far.
How do you keep yourself motivated to do all your daily obligations?
During these weeks we have spent in our homes, we all had time to think about ourselves, about our future, our plans, and our goals. I found my motivation in all the things I am going to do when the quarantine is over.
Were you able to do something creative or learn something new?
I used this time to work on my master’s paper, to train, read books, and watch all the recommended series, that I didn’t have time for. Also, I started learning Spanish, one of my favorite languages.
Can you leave positive advice or comment for all other young people in the region?
My advice for young people is: “ Dear people, stay positive, use this time to learn more and make the best of yourself, get ready for new adventures, because, like everything else in life, this too shall pass…”
Raycho Raychev, Bulgaria
How do you see the current situation in your country?
Years ago John Kennedy stated that “When written in Chinese ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other means opportunity”. I prefer to enjoy the collective vulnerability period and to try to narrow it on a personal level in order to walk through the abundance alley of opportunities.
How do you keep yourself motivated to do all your daily obligations?
I keep my rhythm with daily scheduled tasks and yoga and breathing exercises between each of the duties. The excuses won’t bring you to the winner’s zone.
What are the top 3 things that made quarantine time fly faster for you? Were you able to do something creative or learn something new?
For me, the quarantine time is the synchronicity to all human beings to have an exciting meeting with their inner self. Personally, I focused on developing hidden talents like a painting due to my belief that success is built on the ‘personal strengths’ foundations.
Can you leave positive advice or comment for all other young people in the region?
I would like to invite all young people to eradicate the fear and to vibrate high. We are those who will drive the new world. What do you prefer to be a victim of the transition or the be a shaper of the future?
Matej Kostovski, North Macedonia
How do you see the current situation in your country? It’s all the same for me. The only thing that has been changed is the ability to go to cafes.
How do you keep yourself motivated to do all your daily obligations?
My daily obligations included exercising so I still do that just not in the gym but more outside.
What are the top 3 things that made quarantine time fly faster for you? Were you able to do something creative or learn something new?
Solving puzzles, gaming, and exercising.
Can you leave positive advice or comment for all other young people in the region?
Just find something to do. There’s an adventure all around you just have to find it.
Alexandra Sipos, Hungary
How do you see the current situation in your country? Personally, I see – from my window – that most people act according to the advised measures to slow down the spread of the virus. Only time will tell how effective we can be through solidarity but I hope for the best.
How do you keep yourself motivated to do all your daily obligations?
I have a whiteboard with a calendar grid and a daily to-do list. Every morning I cross out the previous day and the things I have done to keep my schedule and to see my progress.
What are the top 3 things that made quarantine time fly faster for you? Were you able to do something creative or learn something new?
I have to finish my dissertation by June so I have the pressure of time to make the quarantine period pass faster. I reach out to my family and friends so we can talk, play online Activity, or dance “together”. I also continue to be active in the youth field with the EYCA Youth Panel and with the EU Youth Dialogue.
Can you leave positive advice or comment for all other young people in the region?
My advice for young people is: “First and foremost: take care of your mental health!”
Dario Vrbaslija, Croatia
How do you see the current situation in your country? Measures prescribed by the Croatian government have obviously worked because each day there are smaller numbers of new cases. Of course, we should continue to follow the measures and to try to stay home as much as possible.
How do you keep yourself motivated to do all your daily obligations?
I do not lack the motivation for work. My work hours are flexible, so I work when is most convenient for me during the day. I often work relaxed in a big chair with a laptop on my lap.
What are the top 3 things that made quarantine time fly faster for you? Were you able to do something creative or learn something new?
For me, time in isolation flies by so fast, sometimes I feel that there is not enough time for everything I want to do. That is because I have a lot of things I want to do, I also spend a lot of my time with my family, I read books and I been taking online courses, specifically-graphic design.
Can you leave positive advice or comment for all other young people in the region?
My advice for young people is: “People, don’t give up, we have to be brave, persistent and decisive. We should turn the isolation to our advantage! Spend more time with your family, laugh a lot, perfect your skills… Let’s be focused and motivated, let’s be prepared to do good things for ourselves and others.”